
How To Test For Toxins In Your Home

How to Exam for Mold in Your Habitation

If you suspect that mold spores are polluting your indoor air quality or making you sick, testing your environment should be at the meridian of your to-do list. Here's how to get an accurate reading on a mold testing kit.

how to test for mold

Have y'all always walked into a bathroom and wrinkled your nose because the space was then musty? Information technology'south not news that damp quarters are prime number breeding grounds for mold and mildew, fungi that aid natural elements pause down and so that they tin can biodegrade. But while their presence might exist vital to your compost pile, it'southward unwelcome in homes and buildings. When fungi spores  get airborne and are inhaled, your health can endure.

Sometimes, a mustiness is accompanied by other clues of the presence of mold: discolored spots on walls and floors, development of respiratory problems, and noticeable humidity. Other times, information technology's less obvious that there's a problem at all. If you're concerned that the air in your dwelling is compromised by mold, you can detect some peace of mind knowing exactly how to examination for mold.

RELATED: The Dark, Dirty Truth About Household Mold (and How to Get Rid of It Yourself)

Lucky for yous, testing is as uncomplicated as purchasing a viable mold test kit and collecting samples in strategic locations following the instructions outlined below. After testing, one of two things volition happen: The results will come back negative, which signals that the musty smell is a temporary, easily remedied issue. Or, your test reveals the presence of mold in your home. If your test results are positive for mold spores, the best form of action is to send the test to a lab to determine what type of mold it is and how to effectively treat information technology.

Before You lot Begin

Mold requires moisture to abound, which is why you're most likely to observe it in clammy, humid areas. Plumbing leaks, for example, ofttimes trigger mold growth and should be repaired as shortly equally yous observe them. Visible mold anywhere in the home should be removed promptly by following condom mold removal methods, or by hiring a professional mold removal company.

What about that mold growth that you lot tin can't see? If you detect a musty aroma but no visible signs of mold (blackness, white, or brownish blanket), yous may have mold growing where you can't see it. The following are some of the nearly common spots for mold to grow undetected and are thus smart locations to test for mold:

  • Behind the refrigerator
  • Under stacks of newspapers or cardboard
  • Backside the drywall in wall stud spaces that comprise plumbing lines
  • Nether sinks
  • Behind the wallboard around leaking windows
  • In ventilation ducts
  • Under carpeting that was wet at one time (flooding, carpet cleaning)
  • On the back side of acoustic ceiling tiles (if roof leaked)
  • Behind any drywall that has been exposed to flooding

RELATED: 14 Things You Absolutely Must Become Rid of If Your Home Floods

how to test for mold

The Near Common Types of Household Mold

While there are thousands of species of mold in beingness, most homeowners are concerned nearly Stachybotrys chartarum, ordinarily known equally "toxic mold" or "blackness mold." This species of mold is actually quite rare, merely information technology'southward one of a number of molds that produces a high level of mycotoxins (unsafe mold-based chemicals) that can create a chancy home environment. That said, any species of mold tin become a wellness risk if it'southward allowed to grow out of control. To be on the safe side, all mold growth identified by a feasible mold test should be treated and removed rapidly.

Below are some of the more common types of mold that tin exist found in a home.

  • Mucormycetes: Mucormycetes fungi, including Cunninghamella bertholletiae, Rhizomucor species, and Syncephalastrum species, are most usually found in the soil during the summer and fall. It is difficult to avoid these molds completely, but they are generally harmless to most individuals.
  • Alternaria: Alternaria alternata is an allergy-causing mold that is prevalent in the environment and may be brought into a home from the outdoors. Once within, it can spread apace through the domicile, and so prompt removal using a cleanser with bleach is important.
  • Aspergillus: While most prevalent in the air, Aspergillus can also be found in soil, compost piles, stored grains, and decaying plants. Once brought inside a home, it tin can abound and spread over surfaces such equally habiliment, leather, or edifice materials, particularly in moist areas.

How to Use a Mold Test Kit

Mold exam kits are widely bachelor from home improvement stores and from online retailers, but not all test kits are the same. Some are designed to only decide whether mold is present on surfaces. To exam for mold spores in the air you're animate, y'all'll need to purchase a viable mold detection kit such as Seeml Labs' Mold Inspector in a Box. Most quality mold tests toll betwixt $20 and $45.

The unabridged testing process volition have a few days. If the test y'all perform determines that mold spores are present in your home, you can then send the testing materials to a lab that volition perform another exam to make up one's mind what type of mold is present. This lab analysis can run an additional $40 to $seventy.

Note: The U.S. Ecology Protection Agency does non endorse whatsoever brand of home mold test kit. Rather, it recommends that homeowners have their homes professionally tested if they are concerned nearly the presence of mold. So, utilise these do-information technology-yourself kits with a grain of salt: They can exist helpful in confirming suspicions if you're on the fence about whether you have a mold problem. Of course, if the symptoms are visible and dire, it's best to call in the pros to test for mold and remove colonies from your home.

Tools & Materials
  • Mold test kit
  • Painter's record
  • Electrical tape
  • Magic marker or pen

Pace 1: Close off the space.

Close the windows and doors in the room you'll exist testing 24 hours before performing the examination. This allows potential mold spores to besiege without beingness disturbed by drafts.

Footstep 2: Gear up the test kit.

Remove the contents of the kit from its packaging. Typically, you'll detect at least a shallow plastic or glass petri dish with a hat and a label. The inside of the petri dish has been treated with a substance known equally a "microbial civilisation" that promotes the growth of mold spores. This should help yous collect an adequate sample when testing for mold in the amount of time recommended by the manufacturer.

how to test for mold

STEP iii: Exit the petri dish lone for a few days.

Remove the lid from the petri dish and place the dish (open end upward) on a flat surface at about table pinnacle.

Leave the petri dish untouched for well-nigh 48 hours. This time may vary slightly depending on the manufacturer'due south instructions. During this fourth dimension, restrict traffic in the room during the test period if possible to continue from agonizing the air. Cover the doorway with a strip of painter'south tape, if you need to, as a reminder to household members and guests that this area is temporarily off limits.

Stride 4: Seal the petri dish and stow it in a nighttime space.

Identify the chapeau back on the petri dish after the waiting time has passed, and put a layer of tape around the seam where the lid meets the dish. Either scotch record or electrical tape works well, but avert using a tape that's difficult to remove, such equally duct tape.

Write today's appointment on the characterization enclosed in the kit and affix the label to the bottom of the petri dish. Place the taped petri dish in a dark location, such as a dresser drawer or on a closet shelf.

Pace vii: Observe whether mold appears in the dish.

Check the petri dish in 2 days for signs of mold growth within the dish. If mold is present, information technology volition look similar to the mold you'd find growing on one-time food in the fridge.

  • If the petri dish shows no signs of mold, render information technology to the dark spot and check it again daily. If your test for mold turns up zilch after a total of 5 days (from the date on the label), yous tin can throw the dish in the trash—the kit did not find mold in the room.
  • If mold is present in the dish, y'all tin can send the petri dish to the lab recommended by the manufacturer to decide the type of mold you have and the grade of handling. Many kits include an envelope for mailing. You lot'll also have to send payment for the analysis.

how to test for mold

STEP 8: Consider additional tests every bit y'all wait for professional person results.

Allow 3 to 8 weeks to receive your results. Meanwhile, you may wish to continue testing for mold throughout the house. While a variable mold test tin can tell you if mold spores are nowadays in a specific room, you'll need to use additional kits if you lot desire to test other rooms in your firm.

Health Dangers from Prolonged Mold Exposure

Anyone can suffer from animate air contaminated by mold spores. The risk of health problems increases for those with known allergies, compromised immune systems, and respiratory disorders such as asthma. Mold-related symptoms include:

  • Chronic coughing or wheezing
  • Shortness of jiff
  • Frequent sneezing
  • Irritated or itchy pare
  • Watery eyes
  • Running olfactory organ
  • Chronic headaches
  • Skin rashes
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Memory loss and diminished ability to concentrate (associated with toxic mold)

Final Thoughts

With the broad range of potential wellness problems associated with mold, it is important to take steps to detect mold in your home chop-chop and remove it promptly. Follow the steps outlined above for how to test for mold to assistance you lot and others in the dwelling house breath more easily. You can also consider investing in an air quality monitor to provide additional reassurance that the air in your home is free of mold and other harmful pollutants.

how to test for mold

FAQs About Mold Testing

Due to the complexities and importance of learning how to test for mold, it is understandable if you accept a few remaining questions. Consult the FAQs below to larn more than about mold inspection and testing.

Q. What's the difference between mold and mildew?

While you may hear the terms mold and mildew used interchangeably, there are some key differences between these 2 organisms. While mildew is always apartment or powdery in appearance with a white or gray color, mold is frequently raised, fuzzy, or slimy and can be dissimilar colors such equally black, light-green, blue, or red.

Another key difference is that mold can couch below the surface, while mildew is a surface fungi that is easier to spot. Mold also poses greater health risks than mildew. In addition to causing respiratory problems, similar mildew, information technology can as well accept a negative bear on on the nervous system.

Q. What does black mold look like?

Black mold looks like a black stain. It is most often found in areas of higher moisture, specially in those that take been flooded. Another primal item for black mold detection is that it frequently follows a circular growth pattern. Expect for round patches growing together; some may be smaller than an inch, with others being much larger.

Q. What does mildew wait like?

Mildew is typically gray or white in color. It is a surface mold that stays flat every bit it grows. Mildew can too have a powdery consistency.

Q. Can a person exist tested for mold exposure?

While at that place are some tests designed to place mold exposure, they are not 100-percentage reliable. However, your master care md may exist able to assess your symptoms and perform blood tests or peel-prick tests to larn more almost your sensitivity to mold.

Q. Volition mold examination kits discover mold growing inside of walls?

Removing mold on the walls is important, but y'all too need to know how to notice mold in walls to ensure that the event is fully remedied. Mold exam kits detect mold in the air. And so, if the mold spores inside the wall are getting into the air, they volition be detected. Otherwise, the exam kit may not discover mold growing inside the walls.

Don't want to practise it yourself?

Professional mold inspection may be the reply. Get complimentary, no-delivery estimates from licensed service providers nigh you.



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